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wat2wasm: Write the output binary to a given file.
$ wat2wasm ${file-wat} -o ${file-wasm}
try on your machine

This command is written in a Unix shell syntax. It is used to convert a WebAssembly Text Format (.wat) file to a WebAssembly Binary Format (.wasm) file.

Here is an explanation of the command's components:

  • wat2wasm: This is the name of the command-line utility or executable that performs the conversion. It is likely that this utility corresponds to a specific tool or compiler for working with WebAssembly.
  • ${file-wat}: This is a placeholder or variable indicating the input file name. In this case, it is expected to be a .wat file that you want to convert to the binary .wasm format. You need to replace ${file-wat} with the actual name of your .wat file.
  • -o: This flag specifies the output file option.
  • ${file-wasm}: Similar to ${file-wat}, this is another placeholder or variable indicating the output file name. It represents the name you want to give to the resulting .wasm file. You need to replace ${file-wasm} with the desired name for your output file.

To use this command, you need to run it in a Unix shell like Terminal, replacing ${file-wat} and ${file-wasm} with the appropriate file names. For example:

wat2wasm my_file.wat -o my_file.wasm

This will convert the my_file.wat file to a binary WebAssembly file named my_file.wasm.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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