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wat2wasm: Display simplified representation of every byte.
$ wat2wasm -v ${file-wat}
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The command "wat2wasm -v ${file-wat}" is used to convert a WebAssembly text format (".wat") file to a binary format (".wasm") file. It utilizes the "wat2wasm" tool, which is a part of the WebAssembly Binary Toolkit.

Here's a breakdown of the command and its components:

  • "wat2wasm": This is the executable command or tool to convert ".wat" files to ".wasm" files. It is specifically designed for WebAssembly-related tasks.
  • "-v": This option stands for "verbose" and is used to enable verbose output during the conversion process. Verbose output provides detailed information about the conversion, which can be useful for debugging or investigating potential issues.
  • "${file-wat}": This is a placeholder or variable indicating the name of the input ".wat" file that you want to convert. In the command, you would replace "${file-wat}" with the actual name or path of your ".wat" file.

So when executing this command, it will convert the specified ".wat" file to its binary ".wasm" equivalent, providing verbose output to assist in understanding the conversion process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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