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watchexec: Run `make` when any file in the `lib` or `src` subdirectories change.
$ watchexec --watch ${lib} --watch ${src} ${make}
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The watchexec command is used to automatically run a script or command whenever certain files or directories change in a given directory.

In this specific command:

watchexec: This is the main command that invokes the watchexec tool.

--watch ${lib}: This option tells watchexec to monitor the ${lib} directory for any changes. ${lib} is likely a placeholder variable that represents a specific directory path.

--watch ${src}: This option tells watchexec to also monitor the ${src} directory for any changes. ${src} is again likely a placeholder representing another directory path.

${make}: This is the command that will be executed whenever a change is detected in either the ${lib} or ${src} directories. ${make} is likely another placeholder representing a specific build or compilation command.

So overall, this command will continuously monitor the ${lib} and ${src} directories and whenever a change occurs in either of them, it will execute the ${make} command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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