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watchlistd: Start the daemon.
$ watchlistd
try on your machine

The command 'watchlistd' refers to a process or daemon that runs in the background of a computer system and monitors a watchlist. A watchlist is a predefined list of items, such as files or directories, that the 'watchlistd' process continuously keeps an eye on for any changes or updates.

When the 'watchlistd' process is initiated, it starts monitoring the specified watchlist for any modifications. If any changes occur, such as a file being added, modified, or deleted, the 'watchlistd' process will detect these changes and perform some pre-defined action or trigger an event tied to the modified item. The specific actions taken may depend on the configuration and purpose of the 'watchlistd' implementation.

The 'watchlistd' command is typically executed in a command-line interface or terminal to start the watchlist monitoring process. It might include additional flags or parameters to specify the particular watchlist to be monitored.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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