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watson: Start monitoring time in project with tags.
$ watson start ${project} +${tag}
try on your machine

The command watson start ${project} +${tag} is likely a command used in a command line interface or a scripting language where watson is the name of a tool or program that is being called and start is a specific command or action within that tool.

The ${project} and ${tag} are likely variables that should be replaced with actual values when using the command. The + sign in between indicates that the tag is optional and can be excluded if desired.

In general, this command is instructing the tool or program called watson to perform some kind of action related to a project and a tag. The specific actions and meanings of the project and tag would depend on the functionality provided by the watson tool or program.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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