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wdctl: Display the watchdog status in a single line in key-value pairs.
$ wdctl --oneline
try on your machine

The wdctl --oneline command is used to display the status of the hardware watchdog on a Linux system in a concise format.

The wdctl command is a utility for managing the hardware watchdog feature, which is a timer-based mechanism that can reboot the system if it detects an unresponsive or hung state. It is commonly used in critical systems where high availability and reliability are crucial.

The --oneline option allows you to get a brief summary of the watchdog status in a single line. The output typically includes information like the watchdog interface, whether it is currently enabled or disabled, and the timeout interval configured for the watchdog.

By running wdctl --oneline, you can quickly check the status of the hardware watchdog to ensure it is functioning as expected and properly configured.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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