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wdctl: Display only specific watchdog flags (list is driver specific).
$ wdctl --flags ${flag_list}
try on your machine

The wdctl command is used to manage and control watchdog timers in a Linux system. Watchdog timers are hardware or software devices that monitor the functioning of a system and take necessary actions when a predefined event or condition is not met.

The --flags option in the wdctl command is used to get or set the watchdog timer flags. Flags are specific properties or characteristics of the watchdog timer that determine its behavior and settings.

${flag_list} is a placeholder that should be replaced with a list of desired flags, separated by commas. The command will perform the specified operation (either getting or setting the flags) for the watchdog timer.

For example:

  • To get the current flags of the watchdog timer, you would run: wdctl --flags
  • To set specific flags for the watchdog timer, you would run: wdctl --flags flag1,flag2,flag3

The available flags and their meanings may vary depending on the system and the specific watchdog timer in use. You can refer to the documentation or man pages of wdctl or the specific watchdog driver for more information on the available flags and their usage.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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