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wfuzz: Directory and file bruteforce using the specified wordlist and also proxying the traffic.
$ wfuzz -w ${filename} -p ${127-0-0-1:8080} ${http:--example-com-FUZZ}
try on your machine

The given command is using the "wfuzz" tool to perform a web application fuzzing attack by executing multiple simultaneous requests with various payloads.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • "wfuzz": It is the command to start the wfuzz tool, which is commonly used for web application security testing.
  • "-w ${filename}": This option specifies the wordlist file to be used as a source for payload generation. The ${filename} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual path to the wordlist file.
  • "-p ${127-0-0-1:8080}": This parameter sets the proxy to use for the requests. In this case, it specifies the proxy server address (127-0-0-1, i.e., localhost) and the port (8080). Similarly, ${127-0-0-1:8080} needs to be replaced with the appropriate proxy address.
  • "${http:--example-com-FUZZ}": This is the URL to fuzz. The FUZZ keyword will be replaced with different payloads from the wordlist. The protocol is specified as http, and the target domain is -example-com. This URL should be modified to match the actual web application being tested.

In summary, this command will run wfuzz and utilize a wordlist to generate various payloads that will be sent to the target URL, specified by ${http:--example-com-FUZZ}. The traffic will pass through a proxy server at on port 8080 for monitoring purposes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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