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wfuzz: Use a custom header to fuzz subdomains while hiding specific response codes and word counts. Increase the threads to 100 and include the target ip/domain.
$ wfuzz -w ${filename} -H ${"Host: FUZZ-example-com"} --hc ${301} --hw ${222} -t ${100} ${example-com}
try on your machine

This command is using the wfuzz tool to perform a web application vulnerability scan. Let's break down the various components of the command:

  • wfuzz: This is the command used to execute the wfuzz tool.

  • -w ${filename}: This option specifies the wordlist filename ${filename} to be used for fuzzing. A wordlist contains a list of potential values that will be tested against a specific parameter or input.

  • -H ${"Host: FUZZ-example-com"}: This option adds a custom HTTP header to the request. In this case, it sets the Host header value to FUZZ-example-com. The FUZZ keyword is used to indicate the position where the payload from the chosen wordlist will be injected.

  • --hc ${301}: This option specifies the response code to be treated as a valid response. Here, the response code 301 (a permanent redirect) is considered a valid response, and any other response codes will be considered failures.

  • --hw ${222}: This option sets the maximum number of words to treat as "words not found." If the response contains more words than this threshold, it will be considered a failure.

  • -t ${100}: This option specifies the number of concurrent threads to be used during the fuzzing process. In this case, the value is 100, meaning wfuzz will send 100 requests simultaneously.

  • ${example-com}: This is the target URL or endpoint that will be tested. The FUZZ keyword will be replaced with values from the wordlist defined by -w during the fuzzing process.

Overall, this command will perform a fuzzing attack against the URL ${example-com} by replacing the FUZZ keyword in the custom Host header with values from the ${filename} wordlist. It will send requests concurrently using 100 threads, treating response codes other than 301 as failures, and considering a response with more than 222 words as a failure.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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