The command "whereis -bm ${ls}" is a command that searches for the location (path) of a specified binary or executable file named "ls" using the "whereis" command.
Here's a breakdown of the command:
"whereis": This is a command used to locate the binary, source code, and manual pages for a specified command or program.
"-bm": These are options or flags used with the "whereis" command. The "-b" option tells "whereis" to only search for binary files, and the "-m" option tells it to search for manual page files.
"${ls}": This is a variable called "ls" enclosed in curly braces (${...}). In this case, it is used to specify the file or command you want to find the location of. The "ls" command is a common UNIX command to list the files in a directory.
So, when you run the command "whereis -bm ${ls}", it will search for the location of the binary file for the "ls" command as well as its associated manual pages. It will display the path(s) where these files are located on your system.