whereis: Locate source of gcc and man pages for Git.
$ whereis -s ${gcc} -m ${git}
try on your machine
The command "whereis -s ${gcc} -m ${git}" is used to search for the location of the executables of the "gcc" and "git" commands on a Unix or Linux system.
Here's a breakdown of the command:
- "whereis" is the command used for finding the location of a specific executable or its related files.
- "-s" is an option that specifies to search for the source code files related to the specified command.
- "${gcc}" and "${git}" are variables representing the command names. These variables are likely set elsewhere in the script or command line before running this command.
So, this command essentially searches for the source code files related to the "gcc" command using the variable "${gcc}", and for the manuals (documentation) related to the "git" command using the variable "${git}". The locations of these files will be displayed as output by the command.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.