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whiptail: Display a simple message.
$ whiptail --title "${title}" --msgbox "${message}" ${height_in_chars} ${width_in_chars}
try on your machine

This command is using the program "whiptail" to create a message box with a title and a message on the screen. Here is a breakdown of the different parts:

  • whiptail - This is the command-line program being used to display the message box. It is commonly used for creating interactive dialog boxes in shell scripts.

  • --title "${title}" - This specifies the title of the message box. The value of the variable title is used as the title text. The ${title} syntax is used to retrieve the value of the title variable.

  • --msgbox "${message}" - This defines the actual message displayed in the message box. The value of the variable message is used as the message text. The ${message} syntax is used to retrieve the value of the message variable.

  • ${height_in_chars} and ${width_in_chars} - These are variables that determine the size of the message box in terms of height and width respectively. The values of these variables define the number of characters the message box should occupy in the height and width dimensions.

Overall, this command is used to create and display a message box in the terminal, with a specified title, message, and dimensions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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