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Get abuse contact for an IP address.
$ whois -b ${ip-address}
try on your machine

This command does a WHOIS lookup on the IP address

The WHOIS command provides information about registered domain names, IP addresses, and autonomous system numbers. By using the "-b" flag, it instructs the WHOIS server to display the full whois record, including details such as the registrar, the owner, and contact details for the domain or IP address.

The "${8-8-8-8}" is a shell variable that holds the value "" and is substituted into the command when it is executed.

So, the final command that is executed is:

whois -b

This will display the WHOIS record for the IP address

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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