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wl-copy: Clear the clipboard.
$ wl-copy --clear
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The command "wl-copy --clear" is used in the Wayland desktop environment to clear the contents of the clipboard.

In Wayland, "wl-copy" is the command used to copy text or other data to the clipboard. It takes the data provided as input and stores it in the clipboard memory.

The "--clear" option is used to clear the current content of the clipboard. When this option is used, it erases any data that was previously stored in the clipboard memory.

So, by executing the "wl-copy --clear" command, you are instructing Wayland to clear the clipboard, removing any data that was previously copied to it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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