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wmic: Access specific fields such as process name, process ID and parent process ID.
$ wmic process get ${name,processid,parentprocessid}
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The command "wmic process get ${name,processid,parentprocessid}" is a Windows Management Instrumentation Command-Line (WMIC) command used to retrieve specific information about running processes on a Windows system.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • "wmic process" is the main part of the command that tells WMIC to target the "process" class. This means that the command will retrieve information specifically related to running processes on the system.

  • "get" is the action performed on the targeted class. It indicates that you want to retrieve certain properties of the process class.

  • "${name,processid,parentprocessid}" specifies the information or properties you want to retrieve from each process. In this case, it fetches the name, process ID (PID), and parent process ID (PPID) for each running process.

The output of the command will display a table with the requested information for each running process on the system. The name column will show the name of the process, the processid column will display the unique numerical identifier for each process, and the parentprocessid column will show the PID of the process that spawned the current process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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