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wmic: Show brief details about the currently running processes.
$ wmic process list brief
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The wmic command is a Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line tool, which allows you to retrieve information about various aspects of your system.

The command wmic process list brief is used to retrieve a brief list of the running processes on your computer. When executed, this command will display a list of processes with limited detailed information about each process.

The output of the command typically includes details such as the process ID (PID), the executable name, the command-line used to start the process, and the process creation date. This brief listing is useful for quickly viewing the running processes on your system without overwhelming you with excessive information.

By running this command, you can quickly get an overview of the currently running processes on your Windows computer.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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