The command "wormhole send" is related to a file-sharing tool called "Magic Wormhole."
Magic Wormhole is designed to securely send files or data between two devices connected to the internet. It creates a temporary encrypted channel through which files can be transferred.
The "wormhole send" command is used to initiate the sending of a file or data from your local device to a recipient's device. When you run this command, Magic Wormhole generates a unique code called a "wormhole code" which is a combination of two random dictionary words. This code is then displayed on your screen.
To send the file to the recipient, you need to communicate this generated code to them through some secure medium like phone, email, or messaging. Once they enter this code into their device using the "wormhole receive" command, the file transfer begins. The file is encrypted, sent directly between the devices, and once transferred, the temporary connection is closed.
In summary, "wormhole send" is a command prompt that starts the process of securely sending a file or data using Magic Wormhole.