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wpa_cli: Scan for available networks.
$ wpa_cli scan
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The command "wpa_cli scan" is used to initiate a Wi-Fi network scan using the wpa_cli tool. This tool is a command-line interface for managing the Wi-Fi connections using the WPA_supplicant daemon, which is responsible for handling the authentication and security protocols of Wi-Fi connections.

When you run "wpa_cli scan", it triggers the scanning process for nearby Wi-Fi networks. The WPA_supplicant daemon will scan the available Wi-Fi channels, gather information about nearby access points (APs), and capture details such as the SSID (network name), signal strength, supported encryption types, and other relevant information.

Once the scanning process is complete, the results are typically displayed in a list format, showing the available Wi-Fi networks and their respective attributes. These results can be used to connect to a specific network or perform other Wi-Fi-related operations using further wpa_cli commands.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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