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wpa_supplicant: Join a protected wireless network.
$ wpa_supplicant -i ${interface} -c ${path-to-wpa_supplicant_conf-conf}
try on your machine

The command wpa_supplicant is a command-line utility used to configure and manage wireless network connections in Linux systems.

Here's a breakdown of the command you provided:

  • wpa_supplicant: This is the main command to invoke the wpa_supplicant utility.
  • -i ${interface}: The -i flag specifies the wireless network interface to be used. ${interface} is a placeholder for the actual interface name (e.g., wlan0 or eth1), which you need to replace.
  • -c ${path-to-wpa_supplicant_conf}: The -c flag specifies the path to the wpa_supplicant.conf file, which contains configuration settings for the wireless network. ${path-to-wpa_supplicant_conf} is a placeholder for the actual file path, which you need to replace.

In summary, this command starts the wpa_supplicant utility with the specified network interface and configuration file. It configures and manages the wireless network connection according to the settings provided in the wpa_supplicant.conf file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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