wpm: Start wpm with monochrome colors.
$ wpm --monochrome
try on your machine
The "wpm --monochrome" command is likely a command for a program or utility called "wpm" that is executed in a command line interface or terminal.
Based on the provided information, the "--monochrome" option is being passed as an argument to the "wpm" command. This option modifies the behavior of the "wpm" program, specifically to display output in monochrome or black and white mode.
"Wpm" could stand for various things depending on the context, so without further information, it is difficult to determine the specific functionality or purpose of the command. However, it is likely related to some sort of software or tool, potentially related to word processing or typing proficiency measurement.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.