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wrangler: Aggregate logs from the production worker.
$ wrangler tail
try on your machine

The wrangler tail command is a command-line tool provided by Wrangler, a tool used for managing and deploying Cloudflare Workers.

This command is used to stream the logs from the Cloudflare Worker to the console. It provides real-time streaming of logs, allowing you to monitor and debug your Worker's execution and logged messages.

By running wrangler tail, Wrangler establishes a connection to the Cloudflare Workers platform and continuously fetches and displays the logs generated by your Worker, showing them in the console window. This can be useful for observing real-time output, debugging, and troubleshooting the Worker's behavior.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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