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wrk: Run a benchmark with a request timeout of `2` seconds.
$ wrk -t${2} -c${5} -d${5s} --timeout ${2s} "${http:--example-com-index-html}"
try on your machine

This command is using the wrk tool to benchmark an HTTP server by simulating multiple concurrent connections and measuring the performance of the server.

Let's break down the command and its arguments:

  • wrk: The command for running the wrk tool, which is used for benchmarking HTTP servers.

  • -t${2}: The -t flag specifies the number of threads to use for making HTTP requests. In this case, the ${2} indicates that the value is taken from the second command line argument passed to the script or command.

  • -c${5}: The -c flag specifies the number of concurrent HTTP connections to make. The ${5} indicates that the value is taken from the fifth command line argument.

  • -d${5s}: The -d flag specifies the duration of the test in seconds. The ${5s} means that the value is taken from the fifth command line argument and is interpreted as seconds.

  • --timeout ${2s}: The --timeout flag sets the timeout period for each HTTP request in seconds. The ${2s} means that the value is taken from the second command line argument and is interpreted as seconds.

  • "${http:--example-com-index-html}": This specifies the URL or path of the resource to fetch from the server being benchmarked. In this example, the URL is used. If no scheme (such as http://) is provided, http is used by default.

Overall, this command will run the wrk tool with a specified number of threads, concurrent connections, test duration, timeout period, and the target URL to benchmark.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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