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wtf: Specify a computer related search type.
$ wtf -t ${comp} ${WWW}
try on your machine

The command wtf -t ${comp} ${WWW} is using the wtf command with certain options and variables as arguments.

  • wtf is a command-line utility that stands for "What The F*ck" and is used to display various information and explanations for common acronyms, abbreviations, or computer-related terms.
  • The -t option specifies the type of output desired.

Now let's break down the variables used in the command:

  • ${comp}: This variable holds a value that represents a component, which could be the name of a software or hardware component.
  • ${WWW}: This variable holds a value that represents a term or acronym related to the World Wide Web or web development.

By running this command, the wtf utility is invoked with the type of output specified by the -t option, and the variables ${comp} and ${WWW} are passed as arguments to retrieve explanations or information about the specified components and web-related terms.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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