This command takes an input source as the first argument (${arguments_source}) and pipes it to the xargs command. The xargs command reads items from standard input and executes the given commands, in this case, sh -c "${command1} && ${command2} | ${command3}".
Here's a breakdown of the command:
${arguments_source}: This refers to the input source, which can be a file, a string, or some other data source. It will be used as input for the subsequent commands.
| : This is the pipe operator, which takes the output of the previous command and sends it as input to the next command.
xargs : This command reads items from standard input (in this case, the output of ${arguments_source}) and executes the given commands. It takes the input items and passes them as arguments to the commands.
sh -c : This starts a new shell process ("sh") and executes the provided command string.
"${command1} && ${command2} | ${command3}" : This is the command string that gets executed by the shell. It consists of three commands separated by "&&" and "|":
${command1}: The first command to be executed.
${command2}: The second command to be executed.
${command3}: The third command to be executed, which receives the combined output of ${command1} and ${command2} as its input due to the pipe operator (|).
In summary, this command takes an input source, processes it by running three commands (${command1}, ${command2}, and ${command3}), and pipes the output of ${command1} and ${command2} to ${command3}.