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xcodebuild: Build project.
$ xcodebuild -target ${target_name} -configuration ${configuration_name} clean build SYMROOT=${SYMROOT_path}
try on your machine

This command is used in Xcode, which is an integrated development environment (IDE) to build and deploy applications for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.

The command xcodebuild is a command-line tool in Xcode that allows you to automate the build process of Xcode projects. It is typically used in build scripts or continuous integration (CI) systems.

Let's break down the command:

  • xcodebuild: This is the command to invoke the Xcode build system.
  • -target ${target_name}: Specifies the target to build. In Xcode projects, a target represents a unit of build, such as an app, framework, or test suite. ${target_name} is a placeholder for the actual target name you want to build.
  • -configuration ${configuration_name}: Specifies the configuration to build the target in. A configuration defines a set of build settings, which determine how the target is built. ${configuration_name} is a placeholder for the actual configuration name (e.g., Debug, Release) you want to use.
  • clean: This is an optional parameter that tells Xcode to perform a clean before building. Cleaning removes any build artifacts (e.g., compiled code, intermediate files) from previous builds, ensuring a fresh build.
  • build: This tells Xcode to perform a build operation after the clean. The exact build operation depends on the target and configuration specified.
  • SYMROOT=${SYMROOT_path}: Specifies the location where Xcode should place the build products (e.g., the compiled executable, libraries, etc.). ${SYMROOT_path} is a placeholder for the desired output path.

In summary, this command instructs Xcode to clean the specified target and configuration, then build it, placing the build products in the specified output path.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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