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xcowsay: Display a cow at the specified X and Y coordinates.
$ xcowsay --at=${X},${Y}
try on your machine

The command xcowsay is a program that displays an animated talking cow on the screen with a speech bubble containing a user-defined message. It is a variation of the well-known cowsay program.

The specific part of the command you asked about, "--at=${X},${Y}", is an option used to specify the position where the cow should appear on the screen. Here's what each component means:

  • "--at=": This part indicates that the following values will be used to determine the position of the cow.
  • "${X}": This represents the X-coordinate (horizontal position) where the cow will be placed on the screen. The value of X can be any number.
  • "," (comma): This separates the X-coordinate from the Y-coordinate.
  • "${Y}": This represents the Y-coordinate (vertical position) where the cow will be placed on the screen. The value of Y can be any number.

By providing specific values for X and Y, you can control the exact position of the animated cow when it appears on the screen.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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