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xcrun: Show verbose output.
$ xcrun ${tool} ${arguments} --verbose
try on your machine

The given command is a Bash command that utilizes the xcrun tool with certain arguments and options.


  • xcrun: This is a command-line tool available on macOS that allows you to find or run other developer tools from the command line. It is typically used to locate and execute tools within the Xcode developer tools package.
  • ${tool}: This is a placeholder for a specific tool. It should be replaced with the name of a tool you want to run using xcrun.
  • ${arguments}: This is also a placeholder for any additional arguments or options required for the specified tool. You need to replace it with the actual arguments you want to pass to the tool.
  • --verbose: This is an option to enable verbose output from the tool you are running. By including --verbose, you will get more detailed information or debug information during the execution of the specified tool.

To use this command, you need to replace ${tool} with the name of the tool you want to run using xcrun and ${arguments} with the relevant arguments for that tool. When executed, the command will run the specified tool with the given arguments and provide verbose output if the --verbose option is included.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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