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xctool: Clean, build and execute all the tests.
$ xctool -workspace ${YourWorkspace-xcworkspace} -scheme ${YourScheme} clean build test
try on your machine

This command uses the xctool command line tool to execute build and test tasks for an Xcode project. Here's a breakdown of the command and its parameters:

  • xctool: This is the command line tool used for building and testing Xcode projects. It provides a more flexible and customizable alternative to the xcodebuild command.

  • -workspace: This parameter specifies the workspace file to use for building and testing. ${YourWorkspace-xcworkspace} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual path to the workspace file.

  • -scheme: This parameter defines the scheme (or target) to build and test. ${YourScheme} is another placeholder that should be replaced with the name of the scheme you want to use.

  • clean: This command is used to clean the build artifacts (such as intermediate files and products) from previous builds. It ensures a clean slate before the build and test tasks.

  • build: This command initiates the build process for the specified scheme. It can compile the source code, resolve dependencies, and generate the binary executable or app.

  • test: This command runs the unit tests associated with the specified scheme. It executes the test cases and provides the test results, including any failed assertions or errors.

Overall, this command combines several tasks into a single line, making it convenient to clean, build, and test an Xcode project using the xctool command line utility.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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