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xdotool: Focus on the window with ID of 12345.
$ xdotool windowfocus --sync ${12345}
try on your machine

This command is using the xdotool tool to set focus to a specific window.

Explanation of each part:

  1. xdotool is a command-line tool that allows automation of the mouse and keyboard interaction with X Window System windows.
  2. windowfocus is a sub-command of xdotool that is used to set focus to a specific window.
  3. --sync is an option that tells xdotool to wait until the window focus change is synchronized with the X server before exiting.
  4. ${12345} is a placeholder for the window ID of the window to which you want to set the focus. The actual window ID should be substituted with a real value.

So, in summary, the command sets focus to a specific window with the provided ID and waits until the focus change is synchronized with the X server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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