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xe: Run up to `max-jobs` processes in parallel; the default is 1. If `max-jobs` is 0, xe will run as many processes as cpu cores.
$ ${arguments_source} | xe -j ${max-jobs} ${command}
try on your machine

This command is made up of a few different parts:

  1. ${arguments_source}: This is a placeholder that should be replaced with a source of arguments for the command. It could be a file, a variable, or any other source of input arguments.

  2. |: This is the pipe symbol, which is used to redirect the output of one command as the input to another command. In this case, it takes the output of ${arguments_source} and passes it as input to the next part of the command.

  3. xe -j: This is the command xe with the -j option. xe is likely a program or command, and -j is an option specific to that command. The purpose and functionality of xe and its options can only be determined from the context or documentation of the specific program.

  4. ${max-jobs}: This is another placeholder that should be replaced with a value representing the maximum number of jobs. It could be a number or a variable containing a number.

  5. ${command}: This is yet another placeholder that should be replaced with the specific command to be executed. It could be another program or a command supported by xe, depending on the context.

Overall, this command appears to be using a pipe to pass arguments from ${arguments_source} to the xe command, specifying the maximum number of jobs with ${max-jobs}, and executing a specific ${command}. The exact meaning and purpose of the command will depend on the specific values provided for the placeholders.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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