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xephyr: Create a black window with display ID ":2".
$ Xephyr -br -ac -noreset -screen ${800x600} ${:2}
try on your machine

This command runs the Xephyr X server with specific options:

  • -br stands for "backing-store" and instructs Xephyr to enable backing store support. Backing store is a feature that allows programs to remember the contents of windows even when they are not currently visible.
  • -ac stands for "access control" and disables access control restrictions, allowing connections from any host.
  • -noreset prevents the Xephyr server from resetting the server on startup.
  • -screen ${800x600} sets the screen resolution for Xephyr to 800x600 pixels.
  • ${:2} is a variable that represents the display number on which Xephyr server will run. The display number is usually a two-digit number starting from ":0", ":1", and so on.

When this command is executed, it starts the Xephyr X server with the specified options and creates a nested X11 server within a window of the host X server. The screen resolution is set to 800x600 pixels, and it allows connections from any host.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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