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xfreerdp: Connect to a FreeRDP server and activate audio output redirection using `sys:alsa` device.
$ xfreerdp /u:${username} /p:${password} /v:${ip_address} /sound:${sys:alsa}
try on your machine

This command is being used to execute the xfreerdp program with specific parameters.

  • /u:${username} indicates the username to be used for logging into the remote system. The variable ${username} should be replaced with an actual username.
  • /p:${password} specifies the password to be used for authentication. The variable ${password} should be replaced with the actual password.
  • /v:${ip_address} sets the IP address of the remote system to connect to. The variable ${ip_address} should be replaced with an actual IP address.
  • /sound:${sys:alsa} enables sound support during the remote desktop session. The variable ${sys:alsa} is likely referencing a system-level parameter or configuration related to Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) for sound support.

Overall, this command is used to establish a remote desktop connection using xfreerdp, specify the username and password for authentication, set the IP address of the remote system, and enable sound support using ALSA.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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