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xinput: Enable an input.
$ xinput enable ${id}
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The command "xinput enable ${id}" is used to enable a specific input device in Xorg, the display server commonly used in Unix-like operating systems.

In this command, "${id}" is a placeholder for the unique identifier of the input device you want to enable. You need to replace "${id}" with the actual id of the device.

To find the id of the input device you want to enable, you can use the "xinput list" command, which lists all the input devices connected to your system. Look for the device you want to enable and note its id.

Once you have identified the id, you can replace "${id}" in the command with the actual id. For example, if the id of the device you want to enable is "12", the command would be "xinput enable 12".

When you run this command, it sends a command to the X server to enable the specified input device, allowing it to be used for input events such as mouse movement, button clicks, or keyboard input.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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