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xinput: Reattach an input as slave to a master.
$ xinput reattach ${id} ${master_id}
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The command "xinput reattach ${id} ${master_id}" is used in the Linux operating system to reattach an input device to a specific master device. Here's an explanation of the command and its parameters:

  • ${id}: It represents the ID of the input device that you want to reattach. This ID is usually a number or a name assigned to the device by the X server. You need to replace ${id} with the actual ID of the target device.

  • ${master_id}: It represents the ID of the master device to which you want to reattach the input device. The master device is typically a keyboard or a pointer device. Similarly to ${id}, you'll replace ${master_id} with the real ID of the master device.

The purpose of this command is to associate an input device with a particular master device in case the connection between them was interrupted or accidentally disconnected. By running this command with the appropriate IDs, you can restore the connection between the input device and the master device, enabling their normal functionality.

It's worth mentioning that the xinput command itself is a utility used to configure and query the X input system, which handles input devices such as keyboards, mice, touchpads, and other input peripherals in the X Window System, commonly used in Linux-based operating systems.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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