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xmllint: Return all nodes (tags) named "foo".
$ xmllint --xpath "//${foo}" ${source_file-xml}
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The command xmllint --xpath "//${foo}" ${source_file-xml} uses the xmllint utility and its --xpath option to extract specific data from an XML file.

Let's break down the command:

  1. xmllint is a command-line utility used for parsing and manipulating XML documents.
  2. --xpath is an option provided by xmllint that allows us to specify an XPath expression to extract specific data from an XML document.
  3. "//${foo}" is the XPath expression enclosed in double quotes. This expression will be expanded and replaced by the value of the variable ${foo}.
  4. ${foo} is a variable that holds a value. Its actual value depends on what is set for foo in the current environment.
  5. ${source_file-xml} is another variable that holds the name of the source XML file to be parsed. If the source_file variable is not set in the environment, the value xml will be used as a default.

In summary, this command instructs xmllint to parse the XML file specified by source_file, or xml if the variable is not set, and extracts the data based on the XPath expression //${foo}. The actual data to be extracted depends on the value of the variable ${foo}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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