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xo: Lint a given set of files.
$ xo ${file1}.js ${file2}.js
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The command "xo ${file1}.js ${file2}.js" is using the "xo" command line tool with two arguments (${file1}.js and ${file2}.js) passed to it.

"xo" is a linter and formatter for JavaScript code. It helps identify and fix potential issues or errors in the code according to a set of predefined rules. By running "xo" command with specific arguments, the tool will analyze and provide feedback on the JavaScript files specified.

"${file1}.js" and "${file2}.js" are placeholders indicating that the actual file names will be substituted in place of these variables. It is expected that the user will input the names of the JavaScript files they want to analyze and format.

Overall, the command "xo ${file1}.js ${file2}.js" is used to run the "xo" tool on the specified JavaScript files, checking and fixing code issues based on predefined rules.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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