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xplr: Open a directory with specific files or directories selected.
$ xplr ${path-to-directory} ${path-to-selected_file_or_directory1} ${path-to-selected_file_or_directory2}
try on your machine

This command is using the executable file "xplr" and passing three arguments to it.

The first argument, ${path-to-directory}, represents the path to a directory that will be opened or displayed in an application called "xplr". This argument specifies which directory you want to explore or view using "xplr" as a file manager.

The second argument, ${path-to-selected_file_or_directory1}, represents the path to a specific file or directory that you want to select or focus on within the "xplr" application. This argument is optional, and if provided, it indicates that you want to highlight or navigate to a specific item within the directory specified in the first argument.

The third argument, ${path-to-selected_file_or_directory2}, is similar to the second argument and represents the path to another file or directory that you want to select or focus on within "xplr". Like the second argument, this is also optional.

In summary, this command is for launching the "xplr" application and specifying the directory to open, along with optionally selecting or highlighting specific files or directories within that opened directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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