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xrandr: Disable disconnected outputs and enable connected ones with default settings.
$ xrandr --auto
try on your machine

The xrandr --auto command is used to automatically set the screen resolution and display configuration based on the connected devices.

The xrandr command is a powerful tool for configuring the display settings in Linux systems. It allows you to manipulate settings such as screen resolution, refresh rate, display modes, and the position of screens in a multi-monitor setup.

The --auto option tells xrandr to identify the connected devices and automatically configure them to their recommended or default settings. This means that it will determine the available screen resolutions and select the best one, set the refresh rate appropriately, and position the screens in the correct order if multiple monitors are connected.

By running xrandr --auto, you let the system handle the display configuration automatically, making it more convenient and ensuring that the display settings are optimized without manual intervention.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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