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xrdb: Load values (e.g. style rules) from a resource file.
$ xrdb -load ${~--Xresources}
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This command is used to load X resources from a file into the X server's resource database. Here is an explanation of each part of the command:

  • xrdb: It is the command-line utility used for managing the X server's resource database.
  • -load: This option specifies that the following argument is the file from which the resources will be loaded.
  • ${~--Xresources}: This is a parameter expansion syntax used in some shells (such as zsh) to expand the value of the Xresources variable. The ~ operator enables pathname expansion (also known as tilde expansion), and the -- is used to indicate the end of options, ensuring that subsequent arguments are treated as file names even if they start with a hyphen.

So, when the command is executed, it will load the resources from the file specified by the value of the Xresources variable into the X server's resource database. The actual file name will depend on the value assigned to Xresources.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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