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xterm: Open the terminal with 100 characters per line and 35 lines, in screen position x=200px, y=20px.
$ xterm -geometry ${100}x${35}+${200}+${20}
try on your machine

The command "xterm -geometry ${100}x${35}+${200}+${20}" is used to open an xterm terminal window with a specific size and position on the screen.

Here's an explanation of each parameter:

  1. "-geometry": This option is used to specify the size and position of the xterm window.

  2. "${100}x${35}": The "${100}x${35}" value represents the width and height of the terminal window. In this case, the window will have a width of 100 characters (or columns) and a height of 35 characters (or lines).

  3. "+${200}": The "+${200}" value represents the horizontal position of the window. It indicates that the window should be positioned 200 pixels to the right from the left edge of the screen.

  4. "+${20}": The "+${20}" value represents the vertical position of the window. It indicates that the window should be positioned 20 pixels down from the top edge of the screen.

Overall, this command will open an xterm window with a width of 100 characters, a height of 35 characters, positioned 200 pixels from the left edge, and 20 pixels from the top edge.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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