xtrlock: Display a blank screen as well as the padlock cursor.
$ xtrlock -b
try on your machine
The command "xtrlock -b" is used to engage a screen-locking mechanism on a Unix or Linux-based system.
Here's a breakdown of the command and its options:
- "xtrlock" is the actual command that invokes the screen-locking functionality.
- "-b" is an option or flag that stands for "background" or "daemon mode." This option allows the command to run in the background, meaning it will lock the screen while allowing other processes to continue running, similar to a screensaver.
When you execute the "xtrlock -b" command, it will activate the screen lock, preventing unauthorized access to your system while allowing other applications or processes to run undisturbed.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.