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List of commands for xxd:

  • xxd:tldr:02da9 xxd: Display the output in plain mode, without any gaps between the columns.
    $ xxd -p ${input_file}
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  • xxd:tldr:0607b xxd: Display the output with 10 columns of one octet (byte) each.
    $ xxd -c ${10} ${input_file}
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  • xxd:tldr:4a156 xxd: Display output only up to a length of 32 bytes.
    $ xxd -l ${32} ${input_file}
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  • xxd:tldr:adf32 xxd: Generate a hexdump from a binary file and save it as a text file.
    $ xxd ${input_file} ${output_file}
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  • xxd:tldr:c4c7b xxd: Revert a plaintext hexdump back into binary, and save it as a binary file.
    $ xxd -r -p ${input_file} ${output_file}
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  • xxd:tldr:c8482 xxd: Generate a hexdump from a binary file and display the output.
    $ xxd ${input_file}
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  • xxd:tldr:e6938 xxd: Display a more compact output, replacing consecutive zeros (if any) with a star.
    $ xxd -a ${input_file}
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