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xxhsum: Calculate the checksum for a file using a specific algorithm.
$ xxhsum -H${select} ${filename}
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The command xxhsum -H${select} ${filename} involves the usage of the xxhsum command with few parameters. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • xxhsum: This is the command itself. xxhsum is a tool used to calculate the 64-bit xxHash checksum of a file.
  • -H: This option determines the output format of xxhsum. In this case, the format is specified using the ${select} variable, which means the actual format is determined by the value assigned to the select variable.
  • ${select}: This is a variable that holds the format selection for the checksum output. The actual value of the select variable is not provided in the command, so it likely has been set prior to running this command.
  • ${filename}: This is another variable that represents the name of the file for which the checksum needs to be calculated. Similar to the select variable, the actual filename should be assigned to the filename variable before running the command.

Overall, this command will calculate the 64-bit xxHash checksum for the file represented by the filename variable, and the checksum output format will be determined by the value assigned to the select variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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