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xzless: View a compressed file and display line numbers.
$ xzless --LINE-NUMBERS ${path-to-archive}
try on your machine

The xzless command is used to view the contents of a compressed file in a pager-like manner. It allows you to read the content of a file that has been compressed using the XZ compression algorithm.

In the provided command, ${path-to-archive} represents the path or location of the compressed file archive that you want to view. You need to replace ${path-to-archive} with the actual path to the compressed file on your system.

The --LINE-NUMBERS option is used to display line numbers along with the content of the file. This can be helpful when you want to refer to specific lines or discuss them with others.

By running this command, the xzless program will be executed with the specified options, and it will display the compressed file's content, including line numbers, in the terminal. You can navigate through the content using standard pager commands like scrolling, searching, and quitting.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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