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yaa: List the contents of an archive.
$ yaa list -i ${path-to-archive_file-yaa}
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This command is using the "yaa" command-line tool. "yaa" is a command-line tool for creating and managing archives.

The command "yaa list -i ${path-to-archive_file-yaa}" is used to list the contents of an archive file.

Here's what each part of the command means:

  • "yaa": This is the command-line tool being used.
  • "list": This is the specific operation or action we want to perform with "yaa", which in this case is listing the contents of an archive file.
  • "-i": This flag is used to specify the input archive file to be processed.
  • "${path-to-archive_file-yaa}": This is a placeholder indicating the path to the archive file. You need to replace it with the actual path (absolute or relative) of the archive file you want to list.

In summary, this command will use the "yaa" tool to list the contents of the specified archive file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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