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yarn: Install all dependencies referenced in the `package.json` file (the `install` is optional).
$ yarn install
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The "yarn install" command is used to install all the dependencies defined in a project's "package.json" file.

When you execute the "yarn install" command, Yarn (a package manager for JavaScript) reads the "package.json" file, which lists all the required packages for the project along with their versions. Yarn then fetches these packages from the online registry and installs them into a "node_modules" directory in your project's root folder.

This command ensures that all the necessary dependencies are installed and available for running the project. It is commonly used after cloning a project from a repository or when setting up a new development environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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