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yay: Show statistics for installed packages and system health.
$ yay -Ps
try on your machine

The command yay -Ps is used to update all the packages installed on your Arch Linux system using the yay AUR helper. Here's a breakdown of each component:

  • yay: yay is a command-line AUR (Arch User Repository) helper tool. It enables easy installation, removal, and management of packages from AUR.
  • -Ps: These are two flags passed to the yay command.

    • -P stands for --sysupgrade. This flag tells yay to perform a system upgrade, which means checking for updates and upgrading the installed packages on your system.
    • -s stands for --aursearch. This flag tells yay to include AUR packages when checking for updates.

So, when you run yay -Ps, it will check for updates to all the installed packages on your system, including both official repositories and AUR packages, and perform the necessary upgrades.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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