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yes: Repeatedly output "message".
$ yes ${message}
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The command "yes ${message}" is written in a Unix shell, such as Bash.

The "yes" command is a Unix program that outputs a continuous stream of affirmative responses (by default, "y" or "yes") separated by newline characters.

In this specific command, "${message}" is a placeholder or variable that is written within curly braces and preceded by a dollar sign. This syntax is commonly used in Unix shells to access the value stored in a variable.

When the command is executed, the placeholder "${message}" will be replaced with the value stored in the variable "message". Therefore, the output of this command will be an infinite repetition of the value stored in the "message" variable, separated by newline characters. For example, if the value of "message" is "Hello World", the command will continuously output "Hello World\nHello World\nHello World\n..." and so on.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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