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yolo: Train the object detection, instance segment, or classification model with the specified configuration file.
$ yolo task=${select} mode=train cfg=${path-to-config-yaml}
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This command is using the YOLO (You Only Look Once) framework to perform a specific task. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • yolo: Refers to the YOLO framework or executable that will be used.
  • task=${select}: This specifies the task that YOLO will perform. The variable ${select} should be replaced with a specific task, such as object detection, classification, or segmentation.
  • mode=train: Specifies the mode of operation for YOLO, which in this case is "train." This means that YOLO will be trained on a dataset to learn and improve its performance.
  • cfg=${path-to-config-yaml}: This indicates the path to a configuration YAML file for YOLO. The variable ${path-to-config-yaml} should be replaced with the actual file path, which defines the network architecture, training parameters, and other settings for YOLO.

By running this command, the YOLO framework will be executed to perform the specified task, using the provided configuration YAML file for training purposes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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