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z: Go to a directory that contains "foo" and then "bar".
$ z ${foo} ${bar}
try on your machine

The command "z ${foo} ${bar}" seems to be a shell command, where ${foo} and ${bar} are variables or placeholders that will be substituted with their corresponding values when the command is executed.

In this case, the command "z" is being executed with two arguments. The values of ${foo} and ${bar} will be provided as arguments to the command. The actual values of ${foo} and ${bar} will depend on how they are defined or assigned within the shell script or environment.

For example, if ${foo} is assigned the value "abc" and ${bar} is assigned the value "xyz", then the command will be executed as "z abc xyz". The specific functionality or purpose of the command "z" will depend on the context and the definition of the "z" command within the shell environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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